Salt Lake City, Utah is home to over 200,000 people that come from all walks of life. The people of Utah are known to be hard-working American’s who truly care about their neighbors and Salt Lake City is no exception. You Matter insurance brokerage firm is proud to serve the residents of Salt Lake City and provide reliable, high-quality insurance to those looking to protect themselves and their loved ones. We provide a variety of insurance options so that no matter your budget and coverage needs, we’re able to keep you covered! Let’s take a look at the insurance services available at our firm. 

Salt Lake City Insurance Brokerage

Whole Life Insurance in Salt Lake City

Whole life insurance policies are designed to provide long-term coverage with rates that remain the same. Whole life policies give you the option to borrow from the policy in the form of a low-interest loan or a cash payout. The longer you have your policy, the more it’s worth in overall value. A whole life policy with us will keep you covered for the rest of your life, and continue taking care of your family after you pass.

Term Life Insurance in Salt Lake City

Term life insurance is a low-cost life insurance option that can fit into anyone’s financial plan. This insurance won’t be with you for the rest of your life though. Instead, term life insurance lasts for a set amount of time. When the time, or term, comes to an end, you can choose to start a new policy or make the switch to whole life insurance. Term life is a great way to give your family a safety net through times that are more financially demanding. If you have car loans, children that need to go through college, or other short-term financial needs, term life helps to give your family the money they need to maintain those things in the event of your death. 

Mortgage Protection Insurance in Salt Lake City

Mortgage protection insurance is a term insurance policy that is designed to specifically provide coverage to pay off an individual’s or family’s mortgage. If the insured dies, becomes disabled, or suffers a Critical, Chronic, or Terminal Illness such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc. the policy will pay off the entire or a portion of the mortgage balance to protect equity, ownership, and possession of the home for remaining loved ones and or family.


Medicare Insurance in Salt Lake City

Medicare supplemental insurance is commonly referred to as gap coverage. It’s called gap coverage because this insurance will help you fill the gap left by Medicare. Medicare covers a large portion of your medical and prescription costs, but there will be certain amounts that aren’t covered. Unexpected medical expenses are stressful to handle, but Medicare supplemental insurance makes it much easier! Your gap coverage will cover the portion that Medicare doesn’t when you’re faced with medical and prescription coverage costs. Our insurance firm has a variety of Medicare supplemental insurance plans available to choose from so no matter what your budget or healthcare needs are, we’re sure to have something that works for you!  

Why Choose You Matter?

At You Matter Insurance & Financial Group, our passion is helping to protect the residents of Salt Lake City. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss our insurance packages further to learn what coverage choice is right for you. Getting insured is the best way to continue caring for your family even after you pass and limit your financial stress while you’re still here! 801.686.8314​



Salt Lake City, Utah


Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed​
